There was only one stained glass window in Stamperland Church.
It was removed prior to the sale of the church buildings in September 2022
and is now in the safe keeping of Professor Robin Webster.
It was a three light window and had previously been in a church in Woodlands Road, Glasgow. When this church faced closure, at the time when the present Stamperland Church was being designed, the window was saved and moved to the newly built window opening on the North Elevation.
The window was created as a memorial to Alfred Webster, the stained glass artist who was killed in World War 1 in 1915. It was made by his son, Gordon Webster, also a stained glass artist. Both Alfred (1884 - 1915) and Gordon (1908 - 1987) are very highly regarded stained glass artists. Superb examples of Alfred's work can be seen in Lansdowne Parish Church in Glasgow, at New Kilpatrick Church, Bearsden and at Netherlee Church.
Gordon Webster's early windows date from 1929 - 30 and, in a prolific career lasting over fifty years, he designed and made windows in Churches and Cathedrals throughout Scotland and the U.K, and also further afield in Canada and Australia.
Clicking this link will take you to a video recording of an illustrated lecture given by Professor Robin Webster - Alf's grandson (Gordon's son) . The Stamperland Windows feature in the video starting at around 25 minutes into the video.
The windows is a three light with half round tops and is set into a triple arch built in brick. The stained glass is made in the traditional manner from hand made glass and lead and is a wonderful example of the early work of the young Gordon. In a dramatic figure composition, much use has been made of acid etching and glass painting techniques as well as use of double layers of glass and particularly Norman slab glass, all to give heightened decorative effects.