St Thorlak's Community
A church for the autistic community and their family
The Presbytery of Glasgow is creating and developing a community church for people with autism and for families with children who are autistic. The church is called
“St Thorlak’s Community” after St Thorlak who has been recognised or chosen
as the “saint” associated with autism.
We are seeking to assist the development of St Thorlak's community. When Stamperland Church was closed we sought to raise money from the sale of the contents. It was agreed that the money raised would not simply disappear into the funds held by Netherlee and Stamperland (Church of Scotland) but would be earmarked for some specific “good cause”. Our congregations have been involved with the Isobel Mair School for many years and this school caters for children with autism amongs others with special educational needs.
Isobel Mair was the wife of a Netherlee Church minister and Stamperland congregation enjoyed close links with the Isobel Mair school. These links were initially developed and nurtured by Alastair Cherry when he was school chaplain and continued until the school moved to Newton Mearns. Two of Stamperland Church elders, Steven and Marie Owens worked for Autism Scotland and Steven (now a trainee Church of Scotland minister) is one of the driving forces behind St Thorlak's Community. It was thus very appropriate that elders agreed that St Thorlak’s Community church was an appropriate “good cause” to be supported by the sale of contents of Stamperland. The amount raised from the sale of contents was £6,931 and a cheque for this amount will be presented to St Thorlak's Community at the evening service at
Partick South Church on Sunday 12th February. See details below..