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(updated 7th April 2022)



With many restrictions having been removed we have returned to having a single Sunday morning service which all of our congregation can attend.  Our buildings are, once again, fully open for organisations to resume activities.  Each organisation has to meet its own specific restrictions and not all organisations and groups will resume at the same time.  Additionally, many of those which resume will have to operate under a range of restrictions.   We will endeavour to keep information on our web pages up-to-date, but please do make contact with the leaders of organisations and groups to ascertain the specific circumstances or limitations regarding meetings and activities.



There is no longer a requirement to wear a mask when inside the building.  

Hand sanitiser is available on entering our buildings. 

Individuals should observe "social distancing" particularly where any individual requests that they "be given space"  

There is no longer a limit on the number of people who can be in the building at any time. 


Tea or coffee is available after morning worship. 



For details of church services please look at our News and Intimations page



Whilst this website will endeavour to have up-to-date information regarding groups and organisations

meeting in our premises, if possible, please check with the relevant organisation regarding

their specific arrangements for meeting. â€‹



We follow the guidance issued by the Scottish Government and advice issued by the Church of Scotland regarding the use of our church buildings.  This includes following the requirements and guidance realted to cleaning, social distancing, availability of sanitiser, the provision of PPE, etc..  In order to open our churches we were required to demonstrate to the Presbytery of Glasgow that we had taken appropriate measures and had procedures to ensure the safety of all people entering our buildings.



We no longer are required to record contact details for all people entering the church buildings.  We have recently placed QR codes at many locations within our buildings which allows people with the relevant App on their smartphone to sign in digitally, should they wish.   



In order to comply with Covid-19 guidance services will be rather different from that to which we have been accustomed.  There will be a "New Normal". 

Covid guidance does not place any restriction on the maximum number of people in the building at any time nor require specific social distancing arrangements.  There is plenty of "pew space" in both churches to allow individual members to chose a pew seat which enables them to sit at a distance from other people

with which they feel comfortable.  

There  is no longer a requirement to wear a face-covering.

There are no restrictions on hymn singing.  

Hand sanitiser is available at all entry llocations and throughout all buildings.

We know some people are very keen to return to Sunday worship. We know that others have concerns about being indoors with a significant number of other people and would be inclined to stay away. We fully appreciate these concerns and fully support your personal decisions. The service in Netherlee Church are live-streamed on the internet and also available on YouTube.  The services in Stamperland are available as audio recordings.  If you decide not to attend in person, you can still participate virtually. 

The following information may help you decide what is best for you.

  • If you are unwell please do not attend church.

  • If you are shielding, isolating or vulnerable, please consider the risks associated with attending church.

  • We have hand sanitiser stations throughout the building - please sanitise your hands before you go into the sanctuary. 

  • The offering will not be collected during the service, but places for you to leave offerings and donations as you enter and exit will be signposted.

  • Any coats, umbrellas etc should be taken with you into the sanctuary.



The impact of the Coronavirus has made undertaking some forms of pastoral care rather difficult, particularly face-to-face visits at care homes or hospitals.  Please, therefore, do be aware that fewer visits than normal may be possible.  


Our minister, Rev Scott Blythe, is happy to be contacted by phone, text or e-mail. 

Many, if not most, pastoral care issues may have to be handled by phone and text.  

Scott's landline number is 0141 533 7147.    

His mobile phone number is 07504 692 046.

His e-mail is   


You can also contact our Pastoral Care Assistant, Marie Wilson.  

Marie's mobile phone number is 07399 246 935.

Her e-mail address is



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