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Netherlee and Stamperland Choir

A strong choral tradition has been central to worship in our church for many years. Our church choir, directed by our long-standing Organist and Choirmaster Steven Crawford, rehearse weekly on Thursday evenings between September and May in the Netherlee building. They perform at our Sunday morning service where a diverse range of music can be heard. The choir enjoy sacred music of all types ranging from J.S. Bach to John Rutter.

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For major festivals in the churches year, such as our Nine Lessons and Carols at Christmas and Good Friday at Easter, the choir is augmented by former members and other regular volunteers who help to swell numbers and allow more advanced repertoire to be performed.


From time-to-time major choral works are also performed. These have included: John Stainer’s Crucifixion, John Rutter’s Requiem and Charles-Marie Widor’s Mass for two organs.

Choir rehearsals are joyous occasions and fun and laughter is very much a part of our weekly gatherings. While the choir is worked hard and standards are high, a strong bond exists between our members that makes for a very rewarding experience for all involved.

Social events add to the fun and our annual Christmas Dinner, held in Williamwood Golf Club, is a major highlight where a party piece or two can be enjoyed, along with lovely food and great company. And, for our sportier singers, our annual golf tournament, again at Williamwood Golf Club, is another enjoyable day out.

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Sadly, over recent years, choir numbers have diminished and, although we still field a strong choir of over 20, new members will always be assured of a warm welcome. If you would like to join our church choir or join for one of our festival performances, please contact our organist at

As Martin Luther said,

“As long as we live, there is never enough singing”. Don’t be shy, give it try!

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